Apr 13, 2011

Kickstarter Project - Updates!

My Kickstarter Project is one week in, and I'm 10% of the way to my goal. This is good, and bad.

If you haven't heard about my Kickstarter, you can read all about it here and pledge here.

The Revise Right Worksheet which will be included in the workbook is available here, and a character worksheet will be available soon!

The Good - I'm 10% of the way there! It's awesome to see people caring and supporting me! I'm excited and optimistic and have met some great people on the way!

The Bad - This is a lot harder than I thought. And if the pledges don't pick up soon, I will fail.

I'm really excited for this, and I know this book has a lot of potential. This is a huge step, that is extremely difficult to climb. But I'm ready to share with the world. I'm trying my hardest to spread the word, but I've got to find something more.

I want this more than anything, and I won't stop until the very last second.

If you haven't helped out, PLEASE do. Have you ever had a dream? I'm sure you have. Please support mine, and I will support yours too! Your pledge will not be charged to your card until I reach my goal, on April 30.

If you have helped out, THANK YOU! You are awesome.

If you would like to help out more, I will love you more. Blog about it, tweet about it, tell all your friends... If you have suggestions for me on how I can expand, I would really appreciate it!

More updates soon to come. Now please please please, with caramel and hot fudge and sugar and frosting and sprinkles on top, go pledge for me!


  1. Good luck, Rachel. I gave you a pledge and hope it will put you one step closer to your dreams.


  2. Thank you so much Angela! You are awesome (:


  3. Kickstart is a good way to get the assistance you need. Building your social media will help greatly. I wish you the very best with this project.

  4. I have something for you over on my blog, come and claim it :) http://sassy3421.blogspot.com/2011/04/and-versatile-blog-award-goes-to.html

  5. All success to you, Rachel. :D Sounds like you're doing great.
