May 6, 2011

Last Chance to Sign Up for the Freelance Writing Course

If you're interested in becoming a freelance writer, whether you're looking for full time or part time, or if you are a freelance writer looking to help your skills, you MUST take this class. I just received my membership for the Freelance Writing Course by Daily Writing Tips, and I'm already so amazed. I've read books, blogs, and what not on freelance writing, but I've already learned so much more in this class - and I haven't even finished the first lesson! 

There is TONS of content, links, bonuses, and an exclusive forum where you can share success stories and get help when you need it. I wasn't expecting the colossal amount of excellent information they have already provided, and there's more to come. 

All students begin at the same time so everyone is learning the information simultaneously, which is perfect for helping each other out with questions. There's over 200 students signed up so far, all striving to reach the same goal. That's a lot of support, encouragement, and assistance.

It's clear that these practicing freelancers teaching the course are not just a face behind the name, but real people who care about their students and their education with freelance writing. They're sharing valuable tips to help individuals better their freelance careers. And they've been so sweet and helpful already!

The doors close at midnight (GMT) tonight, May 6. It's only $97 and they guarantee that you'll earn back your money by applying the practices in your freelance business. They also have a 60-day guarantee that will reimburse you if you're not completely satisfied, after taking the course. That's a strong guarantee.

What do you have to lose? If you aren't satisfied, you can change your mind. Why not give it a shot? I'll be working at for the next six weeks. Come learn right along with me. I'm ready to be a successful freelancer, and I hope you are too!

Make sure to sign up now to reserve your spot! I don't know when the doors will reopen for applicants, but I sure waited awhile for this. Sign up while you can!

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