Apr 1, 2011

A is for April Anticipation

It's April 1st. April is the month of decisions, the month of growing up, the month of planning for new exciting and courageous events. April is the month of Anticipation.

This month alone, is a giant stepping stone for my future. The amount of value it holds will spring me from the depths of murky beginning waters to dry land of accomplishment. After this month, I'll be ready to take on the future, and even begin to see a bit of where I'm going.

Hopefully I'll be going somewhere wonderful.

There's a lot to accomplish this month. I think a list would suffice rather than detailing everything out. It's just too long. So here are the goals, in no particular order.

  • Publishing the second edition of my first book, The Wonder of Writing
  • Preparing for publication of the workbook that correlates with the book
  • Releasing my book as an e-book
  • Releasing a Kickstarter campaign to generate the funds for these, and increase promotion; more on this to come!
  • Preparing for my first Novel Publicity Blog Tour Host campaign premiering May 20
  • Beginning hard core training to run a quarter marathon, Cincinnati's Flying Pig - I think
  • Two Contests which if you haven't heard about yet, you should definitely check out!
  • Deciding where I'm going to college - YAY & YIKES!
  • Starting up my freelance writing and editing business
  • Planning my graduation/eighteenth birthday/end of school/beginning of summer/make-up sweet sixteen party
  • Applying for scholarships
  • Entering multiple writing contests
  • A to Z Challenge - as displayed with the title; more info below
  • Writing my novel, really. Please keep me in check with this as I hate the neglect I give it
  • Meeting new people, building connections, networking...
Is this list long enough, yet?

Ah. The stepping stone. Good things will come from all this hard work. I just have to Anchor down, Annihilate negativity and procrastination, Ask questions, discover Answers, Aspire for the best I can, and embark on this Adventure.

Currently Anticipating: Success.

About the A to Z Challenge: A challenge to write 26 blog posts in 26 days using all 26 letters of the alphabet. This accounts for every day of the month of April excluding Sundays. It's designed to encourage blogging, increase blog posting, and create friendships with fellow bloggers. Begins April 1st and ends April 30th. Join the friendly community of bloggers attempting this challenge, today! It's not too late!


  1. Look at these goals?! I'm impressed!!! Wowza, talk about that awesome!!!

    So are you planning on self-publishing or do you have an agent or a small press?! I love the passion and perserverence. I can already tell you'll go far!

    Great post! LOVE THE START!

  2. Those are some great goals you have at such a young age! I just graduated from college last year, so wherever you decide to go -- cherish the years -- they go by so fast!

  3. You sound so mature for your age, these types of goals aren't on the mind of many 17 year olds... but, I guess you know that.
    Wow, this post alone is so interesting that I can't wait to learn more about you...
    popped in from twitter :) Great, definite goals, great couple of months ahead of you!! Good Luck!

  4. Hi Rachel! I popped in from Twitter as well. I'm really impressed with your goals and wish you the best! Good luck with the A-Z Challenge!

  5. Hey Rachel ~~ thumbs-up for your goals ! You're obviously focused & dedicated .


  6. Wow! Impressive goals. I wish you lots of success. Nice to meet you, Rachel.

  7. Amazing and awesome! Great work and may you attain all your goals!

  8. Those goals are fabulous!! Good luck with them and I look forward to seeing what else the A-Z holds for you. :D

  9. Hi,
    Long list, good thing you're starting early. I'm doingteh A-Z thing too, come over and say Hi sometime.

  10. Wow, you've got a great list here. Good luck with April. I look forward to seeing what else you do for the A-Z challenge.

  11. Thank you everyone for the support! You all make me motivated and sooo happy! (:

    Jen - I'm self-publishing with a company up in Dayton. So excited, and they're really great!

    I'm checking out all your blogs now! And good luck to all of you with the A to Z Challenge as well!
